Automated Sortation Systems

Increase throughput with our High-Speed sortation.

Optimize output for all product types

Improve Order accuracy


Sortation by Russell Conveyor

Russell Conveyor & Equipment Sortation Systems offer reliable and efficient order processing while being the center of a modern distribution center.

Sort in any Direction

with our lineup of sorters, diverts, and transfers 

30 Degree Sortation
45 degree transfer
90 degree transfer

Increase your throughput with our sortation conveyor systems

There are a few different ways you can go about sorting products in your warehouse. One way is to invest in some type of product sorting system. This will automate the process and reduce your labor costs.

As any business owner knows, efficiency is key to keeping costs down and maximizing profits. Sortation conveyors are one way to achieve greater efficiency in your manufacturing or distribution operation. By automating the sorting process, sortation conveyors can help you achieve faster throughput and fewer errors. In addition, sortation conveyors can be customized to meet the specific needs of your operation. Whether you need to sort by product type, size, or destination, sortation conveyors can provide a cost-effective solution. If you are looking for a way to improve your operation, consider investing in sortation conveyors.

Types of sorters we offer

  • Popup Wheel
  • Tilt Tray
  • Strip-Belt
  • Shoe Sorters
  • Bombay Sorters
  • and More


  • Cost-effective
  • Develop efficient cross-docking processes
  • Employ zone-skipping strategies
  • Automate end-of-line palletizing operations
  • Integrate with warehouse execution systems

What others are saying about us.

Conveyco recently partnered with Russell Conveyor for a three-site rollout.  The schedules were extremely tight and the project scopes changed multiple times.   The Russell team was responsive, flexible and a pleasure to work with.

Thank you Ed Russell and team for the significant role you played in making these projects successful.


Russell Conveyor Equipment has been a great business partner for us.  Helping increase production speed and efficiency, while providing us with custom solutions, and outstanding customer service. They are invested in the outcome of your project.

Powers Distributing

World Source
Powers Distributing
MH Engineered Solutions

Our Info

Russell Conveyor & Equipment 125 West Robin Rd. Elkin, NC 28621 (336) 526-3014

Get in Touch

Don’t forget to ask about your Free quote!

Contact us today to schedule your FREE Consultation and to receive your FREE MDR Conveyor Quote.