Incline Conveyors: Slider and Roller Incline Conveyors
Incline Slider Conveyor
A slider conveyor is a belt system that runs along a smooth piece of material such as steel. It is ideal for packing that must be scanned. The reason for this is stability. Items are not jostled around as much on a slider system. The smooth motion is perfect for capturing scans. For scanning purposed, slider belts are a must. Product is important when considering a slider conveyor. A slider system is the best if your product needs stability during shipment. For example, a slider system would be your best option if you have a fragile product that cannot be bumped very much. Roller systems are not as smooth as slider systems and can be hazardous to the contents of a product prone to breakage. Sliders are also great as a decline belt. The friction between the belt and the bed helps the brake motor from overworking itself and maintains speed control. Slider beds are also better for irregularly shaped products. Roller beds do not convey irregularly shaped boxes, as well as slider beds. They are also good for progressive assembly, sorting, and packing. Due to the low price, slider beds are popular and easy to service. However, slider conveyor belts produce friction, so heavier packages can cause a lot of wear.